How to Search For Messages in WhatsApp

If you’ve ever wondered how to search for messages in WhatsApp, you’re not alone. With the new search feature, you can look for messages in conversations by phone number, group name, or keyword.

WhatsApp is a chat app

WhatsApp is the de facto messaging app for much of the world, and for good reason. Its end-toend encryption makes it safe to share confidential information, and only you and your recipient can see your messages. You can also protect your messages by adding a PIN. In addition to secure messaging, WhatsApp also offers five different tabs for you to access. When you click on one, a new screen will appear, presenting you with the associated features and settings.

WhatsApp is a free messaging app that can be downloaded for free to most mobile devices. It is also available on Mac and desktop computers, though it requires the same platform as your smartphone. It is not a true competitor to Facebook Messenger or Apple Message, but there are some notable differences. For one thing, it offers group messaging, but it’s not a direct competitor. It can also make voice and video calls and support up to eight people at once. Another major advantage and how to hack whatsapp to chat with anyone in the world, regardless of what device or platform you’re using.

It allows voice and video calls

If you’re wondering if WhatsApp allows voice and video calling on desktop, you’re in luck. This Facebook-owned messaging service has recently added the ability to make phone and video calls. The new feature will work in either portrait or landscape orientation. The desktop client is also designed to be always-on-top. WhatsApp began testing the feature in beta with a small group of users late last year. You can make calls by selecting the contact’s name, then clicking on the video icon next to it.

The new features are available for users in other countries. In India, flash calls have been available since 2021. These calls allow users to verify their phone number by receiving an automated call. This is a safer option than SMS verification, which WhatsApp considers to be unsecure. In addition, WhatsApp video calls are end-to-end encrypted. There is also an option for group calls. However, the features are not available for every country.

It lets you send messages

WhatsApp is a messaging app that lets you send and receive messages, as well as send and receive attachments. Attachments can be files, location, contact information, gallery items, photos and videos from your camera roll, and PDFs. You can even send audio messages. You can also record audio messages, share your location, and more. You can even send voice messages while you’re walking or typing. Once you’re finished, simply lift your phone and your message will be sent.

You can manage how much storage you’ve got by sorting your contacts by newest or oldest. WhatsApp also lets you sort your contacts by how many files they take up, so you can view the chats that take up the most space and those that were forwarded multiple times. When sorting your contacts by size, you can see which chats take up most space, which are large files, and which ones were forwarded multiple times.

It has a search function

A recent update to the app has improved its search function. You can now search by date and see what messages you’ve sent and received in the past month. WhatsApp will be working to make this feature available to all users soon, and users can expect to see this update on their iPhones and Androids. However, it is not clear when the feature will be available for Android.

However, there’s no doubt that users will be happy to see a date search in the app.

The search function is useful for finding important documents or photos. By typing the sender’s name, the search will be streamlined. If you’re looking for a specific audio file, WhatsApp will group similar audios together. You can also search for images and videos. If you’re unable to find a particular photo, you can always search for them by typing their name or the subject. Hopefully, this feature will help WhatsApp users find important documents or photos in the future.

It allows you to mute a group of contacts

If you want to prevent a specific contact from receiving new messages, you can mute a group of contacts in WhatsApp. This feature can be enabled in your settings. When you are muting a group, you must open the contact’s profile. To unmute them, follow these steps:

First, tap and hold the contact’s name to bring up the options bar. In the options bar, untick the ‘Show notifications’ check box. After that, go to the conversation that you wish to mute. Next, tap the three-dot icon in the top-right corner. After doing this, you will be notified of all messages sent by the muted contacts.

It allows you to delete a contact

If you want to delete a contact on WhatsApp, you first need to open a chat with the contact. This can be done by clicking the start chat button, which appears in the top or bottom right corner of the overview screen. After the chat starts, tap the contact’s name in the conversation window. You will then be presented with a list of all your contacts. You can also search for a contact by name. Tap a contact’s name to open their chat screen.

You can also choose to block the contact. This will block the number from your phone, but will not remove it from WhatsApp. You will be prompted to confirm this action.